Grahame 'Gray' Flynn

Grahame 'Gray' Flynn lives in the city of Exeter in the United Kingdom. In recent years he has designed for the theatre, art directed commercials for television and also appeared in many productions as an actor. He also works for an Exeter based charity.

Gray's earliest memories of Doctor Who are being sat in front of the television by his parents in the late 1960s. He counts the Pertwee, Tom Baker and Colin Baker eras as his favourites.

In the mid 1980s he worked closely with Stuart Evans of Sevans models producing a number of model kits.

Grahame is fortunate to have met many of the actors and production crew from the original series having corresponded with many and produced the highly successful 'Battlefield' Conventions. He is delighted to count Colin Baker as a close friend describing him as being, "One of the most honourable people I have ever met".

Gray became a close friend of the late producer, John Nathan-Turner designing many shows for him and working with him on his infamous Doctor Who Magazine Memoirs. Gray regards John as being his mentor. Prior to his death they were working on a book project about costume and properties.

Throughout the 1990s Gray was involved in the Longleat Doctor Who days and renovated many properties for the Doctor Who exhibitions at Longleat and Llangollen. He was delighted to work with Steve Cambden on his 'Doctor's Effects' book.

Gray has been collecting costume and properties from the series for many years and is delighted to share some of them here.

He is particularly interested in tracking down Tom Bakers check waistcoat and an original Voc robot costume.

Gray can be contacted by Email Gray

Enjoy this small sample of Gray's Collection

All of the pictures on this page are the property of Grahame Flynn and may not be used, published or reproduced in any way without his explicit written consent.

Copyright (c) 2006 Grahame Flynn
Tom Baker Season 18 Costume (1980)
Original costume parts from June Hudson's classic Season 18 costume. Hat, scarf, shirt, breeches, socks and shoes. Would love to hear from anyone with a waistcoat and coat!
Copyright (c) 2006 Grahame Flynn
Sylvester McCoy Jumper (1987)
This is an original costume made by Sarah Brooks-Ward for designer Ken Trew. Sara's period knitting has been seen on many classic television series including Last of the Summer Wine and All Creatures Great and Small.

Copyright (c) 2006 Grahame Flynn
K9 Mark 2

This prop is made from the original Tony Oxley BBC visual effects department moulds. It has been made to the mark 2 colours. The head is the original shape as it was made larger to house the ticker tape function on the main prop. The dummy dog retains this original shape.

Copyright (c) 2006 Grahame Flynn
Chancellery Guard Costume
Invasion of Time (1978)
Original costume worn by Chris Tranchell as Commander Andred. This costume was originally made for The Deadly Assassin (1976) and featured in Invasion of Time (1978), The Arc of Infinity (1983), The Five Doctors (1983) and Trial of a Time Lord (1986). Originally sold at one of the Longleat House Doctor Who days
Copyright (c) 2006 Grahame Flynn
Colin Baker
Revelation of the Daleks (1985)
Original Colin Baker cape from Revelation of the Daleks (1985) together with shirt, tie, trousers, braces, and spats.

Copyright (c) 2006 Grahame Flynn
The Deadly Assassin (1976)

This sculpted foam and latex detailed crocodile is seen in the matrix sequences where it attacks Tom Baker.

Copyright (c) 2006 Grahame Flynn
Davros Mark 1 -
Genesis of the Daleks (1975)
One of the star pieces of Gray's collection. This head was cast from John Friedlander's original sculpture for Genesis of the Daleks. It is signed by John.
Copyright (c) 2006 Grahame Flynn
Davros Mark 2
Resurrection (1984), Revelation (1985) and Remembrance of the Daleks (1988)
When Gray was working with Stuart Evans they made a Davros Mark 2 limited edition model. Stan Mitchel sculpted the original BBC head. This is cast from that.

Copyright (c) 2006 Grahame Flynn
Cybermen Gun
Attack of the Cybermen (1985)
Original Cybergun from this Colin Baker story. This original prop was given to Stuart Evans (Sevans Models) along with original costume parts whilst Stuart and Gray were working on the Cyberman model kit.

Copyright (c) 2006 Grahame Flynn
The Daemons (1971)
This mask was pulled from the original BBC mould. Many copies exist of this head but the original mould didn't have the tongue attached, it was added later. The original mould was destroyed with the closure of the BBC Visual Effects Department.
Copyright (c) 2006 Grahame Flynn
Chimeron Princess Baby
Delta and The Bannermen (1987)
One baby was pulled from Stephen Mansfield's mould for the original programme. He made a second baby for a charity sale. The mould was then destroyed. This is the second baby. Signed by Sylvester McCoy and Ken Dodd.

Copyright (c) 2006 Grahame Flynn
Hand Of Omega Grave marker
Remembrance of the Daleks (1988)

Original grave stone marker prop from this classic Sylvester McCoy story.

Copyright (c) 2006 Grahame Flynn
Lalla Ward - Roman II
The Leisure Hive (1980)
Original bathing suit designed by Gray's friend June Hudson. It also featured in the first episode of Meglos and can be seen in Romana's bedroom in Logopolis.
Copyright (c) 2006 Grahame Flynn
City of Death (1979)
Original hand made mask from this classic Tom Baker story. Two masks were made for this story. Contrary to popular belief John Friedlander did not actually make the masks but gave suggestions about how it could be created using a latex and silicon powder mix piped over a muslin base. They were made by the make up department. A very well known prop maker for the film industry owns the second mask.
Copyright (c) 2006 Grahame Flynn
Academy of Science Fiction and Horror Films Award 1983

Awarded to the BBC in 1983 on the occasion of Doctor Who's Twentieth Anniversary.

Copyright (c) 2006 Grahame Flynn
Writers Guild Award of Great Britain (1974)
Original Writers Guild Award awarded to the writers of Doctor Who, The Best British Children's Original Drama Script 1974. Salvaged by producer John Nathan-Turner when the Doctor Who production office closed in 1989.
Copyright (c) 2006 Grahame Flynn
The Key to Time
The Ribos Operation (1978

This complete Key to Time prop was flown on heavy-duty fishing line for the episode one scene where the White Guardian sends Tom Baker's Doctor on his quest. It was retained in Producer, John Nathan-Turner's office for many years and eventually kept in John's office at his Brighton home.

Copyright (c) 2006 Grahame Flynn
Sontaren Mask
The Two Doctors (1985)
Pulled from the original Richard Gregory Imageineering mould.
Copyright (c) 2006 Grahame Flynn
Time Lord Costume
Deadly Assassin (1976)
Original gown from Deadly Assassin, both the headdress and collar were also made for Deadly Assassin but had extra braid added for Invasion of Time.
Copyright (c) 2006 Grahame Flynn
Sylvester McCoy TARDIS Key
Ghostlight (1989)
This exquisitely sculpted prop was made by Mike Tucker during production of Greatest Show in the Galaxy. It was finally glimpsed on screen in Ghostlight.
Copyright (c) 2006 Grahame Flynn
The Doctor's Stethoscope
The Horns of Nimon and The Creature from the Pit (1979)
Doctor's hand prop used by The Doctor for K9 & TARDIS repairs.
Copyright (c) 2006 Grahame Flynn
Unit Lapel Badge (1970s)
Original UNIT badge as worn by Benton and Yates throughout the 1970s.

Gray can be contacted by Email Gray
All of the pictures on this page are the property of Grahame Flynn and may not be used or reproduced in any way without his explicit written consent.

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